Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 6 - Georeferencing Lab

This was an interesting lab.  I have some experience selecting relative control points so that aided my choices in points. 
Equilateral Triangles
One thing I remembered was thinking about a term called "strength of figure".  Mathematically, the most stable triangle is the equilateral triangle.  Using this thought, I tried to choose my points so that they created a network of triangles that came as close as possible to equilateral triangles.    Just for grins and giggles, I also selected some at random and the RMS error almost doubled. 
Deleting Points
I constantly looked at the RMS errors of individual points and deleted ones that started to get quite large.  I think that I collected them in the wrong order (known to unknown) and that caused some HUGE errors.  So judiciously using the delete key was quite helpful.

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