Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bonus Exercise - Escambia County Black Population

           Before                and                    After

I chose Percentile map from week 3 because I wanted make a better map product. I also wanted to see how and if a different presentation would change the intended message. Remember that the data is exactly the same as before.

I had some friends over tonight and asked their impression of the two maps. half preferred the Proportional Dot map and half leaned toward the Equal Interval map. This was a fun exercise and sparked a lot of discussion about map content.

My very informal poll of my house guests tonight suggested that the primary improvement seemed to be map type followed my map design. And I agree. One person thought thought that the positioning of the graduated symbol in the center of the county districts could mislead someone to think that is the exact location of the black population.

The following was done to the map:
1: Switched from equal interval to Graduated Symbols
2: Switched from categories to dot symbols. Circles were chosen since literature indicated that people like that shape over all others
3: Changed the entire color scheme
4: Added Source
5: Added Map compiler information.
6: Expanded the neat line to create more useable area
7: Expanded a secondary title to better reflect the map message
8: Changed font schemes to better reflect the map message
9: Repositioned the Scale information and North Arrow
10: changed the title of in the table from "p_black" to "Percent Black Population"

This lab required us to do the following
1. Choose one of the laboratory maps that was created/altered this semester (or at least
was created using an Arc shapefile).
2. Visit the following website ESRI Mapping Center.

3. See the Map library that contains various cartographic effects that can be used in Arc.

4. Download and use as many effects necessary to help display the information effectively.
5. Post your final map to your personal blog.

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