Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week 9 - Vector Analysis Lab II

I liked this lab.  I made me think about the logic of what was happening.  I also liked that there was more than one way to get to the same result

Quiz Questions

Q1: Which tool did you use? Was there any noticeable difference between its results and the results from the instructions?
A1. I used the intersect tool to join the "road" and "water" buffers and it yielded identical results as with the union tool.
Q2: Which tool did you use here? Why?
A1. I used the erase tool to remove the campsites that intersected the conservation areas. It excludes areas in the erase feature, that overlap the Water_Roads_Union layer.
Q3: How many features are in this layer? What is the area of the largest feature? What is the area of the smallest feature?
A3. I had 79 potential campsites. The largest was 7,765,034 square meters and the smallest was 748 square meters.

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