Thursday, May 19, 2011

Earthquakes Part III: The Spatial Distribution of Aftershocks

Objective: learn how to import data from an earthquake catalog and then visualize the data in ArcScene™

Background: The Northridge 6.7 main shock produced thousands of aftershocks, smaller earthquakes that result in continued shifts of movement and settling along the fault plane. The spatial distribution of aftershocks often suggests the region and geometry of the fault plane along which the major earthquake occurred. Although not as strong as the original quake, these aftershocks posed a significant threat as they further damaged already weakened or partially destroyed structures, endangering the rescue workers frantically attempting to locate those trapped inside.

Summary of how to "Get There"
1) Open Northridge2.mxd
2) Import the NorthridgeAfter.csv text file.
3) Right-click the added file and Display x,y.
4) Ensure that longitude = x and lattitude = y
5) Export temporary file as a shapefile and add to map.
6) Open the attribute table for aftershock data and select the 6.7 magnitude feature and export this  as a new shapefile (.shp).
7) Query all aftershocks with a magnitude greater than 3.
8) Per the Lab directions, the features symbology was set using 3 class breaks (4,5, and 6)
8) Set the size and color per lab directions.  The final map output is as seen above.

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